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Thrift Stores
in San Diego, CA
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Thrift Stores San Diego - Find San Diego Thrift Stores businesses and services here
San Diego, California,
Adams Dollar Store
3001 Adams Ave
San Diego, California, 92116
(619) 284-1354
San Diego Rescue Mission Thrift Shop
558 2nd Ave
San Diego, California, 92101
(619) 819-1722
Salvation Army Family Store
727 E St
San Diego, California, 92101
(619) 699-7272
Salvation Army Family Store
4170 Balboa Ave
San Diego, California, 92117
(858) 483-1831
99 Cents Only Stores
121 Louisiana Ave
San Ysidro, California, 92173
(619) 690-0999
Liquidation Center
1731 Euclid Ave
San Diego, California, 92105
(619) 527-2288
St. Vincent De Paul Village
3137 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, California, 92104
(619) 640-0804
Cathedral Collectables
3505 5th Ave
San Diego, California, 92103
(619) 298-3098
Salvation Army
6503 University Ave
San Diego, California, 92115
(619) 582-9688
99 Cents & Higher
5257 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, California, 92115
(619) 286-2002
Disabled American Veterans Chapter No. 2
1049 Elkelton Blvd
Spring Valley, California, 91977
(619) 337-9244
Diego's Thrift Store
9935 Campo Rd
Spring Valley, California, 91977
(619) 713-1949
Discovery Channel Store
174 Horton Plz
San Diego, California, 92101
(619) 231-1185
Windmill Thrift Shop
4611 University Ave
San Diego, California, 92105
(619) 282-2932
A-1 Discount
9660 Via de la Amistad
San Diego, California, 92154
(619) 661-1836
Victor's 99 Cent Outlet
3020 Clairemont Dr
San Diego, California, 92117
(619) 276-8055
Windmill Thrift Shop
3081 University Ave
San Diego, California, 92104
(619) 291-2415
99 Cents Only Stores
1862 Palm Ave
San Diego, California, 92154
(619) 429-8999
Amvets Thrift Store
3441 Sutherland St
San Diego, California, 92110
(619) 297-4213
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